Friday, September 19, 2014


So... I finish my post really late last time, put it out there for the world to see, think happy thoughts of "I actually have accomplished something writerly, even if I haven't finished any of these projects yet," and fall into restful slumber. It took me a week to get all those pictures and everything; which, of course, was complicated by rereading old bits and relishing all my lovely journals. But, a week is a week, and far too long for what was supposed to be simple and short. Therefore, I awoke in a state of deep disgust at all time wasting, and have since avoided my blog like that one container at the back of the fridge that you're pretty sure will attack if you open it.

I don't think I'm cut out for blogging. Isn't it supposed to be short and easily accomplished? Why does a single post take me 17 weeks - (ahem!) I mean, a whole afternoon (forgive the hyperbole!)? Does anybody even read it? Will they ever?
I sigh forlornly, sip my orange-blossom mocha, and reflect:
1) I do have a lot of ideas for future posts - too many, actually. 2) It doesn't have to take all day, or several days, to write one post; but if setting time limits would help, then it's ok to do that. 3) Payoff is not immediate; and, yes, somebody is reading occasionally (sisters are awesome!). 4) I will get the hang of this. 5) Patience! - especially with myself.

In that spirit, Behold the fruits (literally) of our gardening labors! I love gardening, as I have stated heretofore, and it is especially wonderful when it produces something - however small!
Huge zucchini or tiny acorn squash, you ask?
The answer: Both! Seriously, that zucchini scared me...

Even the flowers are ours! Awesome!

Harvested (alphabetically): acorn squash, a cucumber (very short and chubby), a green bean, a yellow melon of unknown variety, orange cherub and small roma tomatoes, a lovely rose, zinnias, and zucchini.

I wasn't expecting to get any acorn squash! Just plopped abundant seeds in and expected them to not come up, or die miserably after two weeks. But look! acorn squash! They are about 4 inched tall - individual portion size! Hurrah!
 Met in some quarters by eagerness, in others with skepticism.
Great thanks to my family for help watering! Much and many great thanks to the good Lord for the same, and for all the little miracles that make the seeds grow and flourish! Long may this continue!

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